I am not going to bore everyone with the same thing I am sure you all have read multiple times. Yes I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have tried multiple diets and different things to try and lose the weight. As you can see from the picture nothing has really worked. Something that is a little different from others is I actually have a lap-band. You couldn't tell from the picture above but yep I have had a lap-band for close to 5 years.
Let me touch a little on the lap-band. As a weight lose tool it was doing its job. I was down close to 100 lbs but for quality of life not so much. I could not eat at all! Meaning after every meal I would literally end up in the bathroom expelling everything I had just ate. I felt like a mother bird feeding her little ones in the nest. It didn't matter how much I chewed the food or what I was eating it was stuck. The only way I could get any of it to pass was to drink something right after I swallowed. Of course that was against the #1 rule of WLS but I had to do something. I had went back and forth with my surgeon with taking some fluid out but then I would have no restriction. It was a vicious cycle not to mention my surgeon was 2 hours away so every time I would need an adjustment I would have to take off work. I was still willing to put in the effort and make those trips but life got in the way and my job moved to Michigan. Where I was at in Michigan I could not find anybody to adjust the lap band I am just thankful it was at a level where I could actually eat. After 4 months in Michigan I moved back to Kansas but was unable to start back up with my surgeon until this past February. By then I had lived with no restriction for 3+ years and obviously from the picture above that 100+ pound loss was actually about a 20+ gain. So I decided to start the lap band back up and went to see my old surgeon. He gave me a fill but was a little concerned because the amount of fluid he saw in my band was different from what should be in the band. He went ahead and filled me and sent me home. Well on the drive home I had good restriction but the next morning it was all gone. Went back to the surgeon and sure enough most of the fill was gone. Well that tells him I have a leak. Turns out a leak is not all that uncommon. He stated he has repaired many leaks where the tube passes through the abdomen wall. The tube rubs against the wall and eventually rubs a hole in the tube. Of course he would be happy to go in and fix it but insurance will not cover it and it would be close to what I would pay for other procedures. So I weighted the options and decided not to repair but remove and convert to an MGB.
People have asked why I would want to put myself through all this again? What happens if this one doesn't work? I have to be honest here and say I really do not care what anyone else thinks or feels about my decision. I know this is not a magic bullet and I know I will have to work within the tool but it gives me a leg up. Hell I cannot even really exercise to much because my knees and back start screaming at me so the MGB will help at first to simply allow me to get up and exercising. The picture below is all you really need know why I am putting myself though this and that is for my family. I am convinced I have the best 13 year old son on the planet and I am still amazed how I was able to attract my wife but I did. It is time they get the husband and father they both deserve.
So July 1st a new chapter will begin.That is the day my surgeon will perform the MGB. As I mentioned in an earlier post I plan on giving you the good and bad along the way. I am excited and nervous but so ready to get started. Wish me luck!